Westlaw Japan is comprehensive Japanese online legal information service which covers wide variety of legal information and reference materials including legislation with versioning, cases, decisions, books and journals, bibliographies, news articles along with sophisticated search and display funcationalities.
Overview of Content and Coverage
Constitutions, Laws, Government and Imperial Ordinances, Ministerial Ordinances, Notices,
Supreme Court Regulations, and Rules of the Houses.
*Bills and public comments are also covered.
- Cases from the prewar era (such as Daishinin
cases) to the present are covered.
- Also, high value-added editorial information is
provided that includes case full-texts, concise and
accurate case abstracts, bibliographic information,
commentaries, applicable legislation, related
cases, information about judges, related news, and
so on.
Decisions, etc.
Patent Office decisions, Fair Trade Commission
decisions, National Tax Tribunal decisions, and
Labour Relations Commission decisions are covered.
WLJP Book Shelf
- Gendai Saiban-Ho Taikei (All 30 volumes)
- Case and Law Books (22 titles)
“From Viewpoint of Cases” series
“Case Check” series
- Theories and Practices of Intellectual Property
Law (All four volumes)
- Bessatsu Kinyu Shoji Hanrei (Four issues)
Books and Journals
“Hanrei Times” Case commentaries (From the
first issue)
“Hanrei Times Shuyo Minji Hanrei Kaisetsu (Major
Civil Case Commentaries)”
“The University of Tokyo Law Review” (All issues)
“Hogaku Ronso” (Kyoto University)
“Ho no Shihai” (Japan Bar Association) *Paid
optional content
“Toki no Horei” (Choyokai) *Paid optional content
“Supreme Court Case Commentaries” *Paid optional content
“Rodo Keizai Hanrei Sokuho (Labour and
Economic Case Flash Report)” *Paid optional
Bibliographic Information
Bibliographic information is provided by Nichigai
Associates (journal articles) and the National Diet
Library (books).
Yuhikaku Contents
- Jurist
- Hogaku Kyoshitsu
- Hanrei Hyakusen series
- Important Case Commentaries series
- Basic Case Commentaries series
- Minshoho Zasshi
Shoji Homu Contents
- Shiryoban Shoji Homu
- Theories and Practices of Intellectual Property
Law (All four volumes)
- Mutual links with the Jyunkan Shoji Homu
database (i.e. dedicated database for members
of Japan Institute of Business Law)
- Real time news (Jiji Press)
- News articles provided by Jiji Press are
searchable. (However, the news article search
function is a paid optional service.)
Shinnippon-Hoki Online
- Traffic Accident Damage and Settlement
Data File
- Medical Lawsuit Case Data File
- Theories and Practices of Intellectual Property
Law (All four volumes)
- Compensation for Damage Data File
- Inheritance Lawsuit Case Data File
- Leased Land and Building Dispute Date File
- Practice Guide series, etc.
- Publications of Shinnippon-Hoki (Loose-leaf
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Features and Benefits of “Westlaw Japan”

Product Contents [PDF:96KB]